Reliving the memories
for GenX by GenX
"To all hates, honestly...WDGAF. We are a generation who is resilient, resourceful and adaptable. Common sense is an innate skill back in our days, that's why we couldn't comprehend what is wrong with the world today. We braved storms and move mountains...quietly...neither seeking troubles, nor we are afraid of one."
Mr. T, GenX
Regime's Treasury
Updated 28 Jul 2024
Join the GenX Regime
Join the first GenX community to receive funding for charity projects and events. Our Regime is fully operated and managed by Gen X'ers.
Register to be an official House of the Regime:
​1. Form a community with at least 10 GenX members.
2. Have a House Leader and a House Steward (2nd in-charge) appointed.
3. Name your House and register with the Regime.
4. Plan and propose charity projects and events.
The House will receive funding from the Treasury if your proposal is approved by the Regime's President and High-Council members using our voting system.
Our Latest Collection
Fashion That Cares
Sale proceeds will go towards our GenX Regime's Treasury.
This fund will be used, on a regular basis, to sponsor or initiate charity projects proposed by the Houses.
Honorary Board members can also initiate self-funded charity projects or voluntarily contribute to the Regime's Treasury.